On Art and the Sublime

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

An afternoon studying vajrayana buddhist sculptures at the British Museum: Mahakala trampling on the deity of wealth Ganesha. The 'Great Black One' therefore aids practitioners in the destruction of worldy attachment to wealth. An exquisite speciman.
Jars and Lemon is one of my favourite in Tate Britain's Picasso exhibition. Interestingly Xray revealed that underneath this painting was a study for Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. In 1911 it was sold for 4 pounds. Picasso was often ridiculed when he first started out. His work was once described as 'a piece of paper on which Mr Picasso has had the misfortune to upset the ink and tried to dry it with his boots.'

Saturday, March 3, 2012